Transform Yourself with Root-Cause Weight Loss

Functional medicine meets medically supervised weight loss to identify and treat the root cause of excess weight. This innovative strategy faciliates significant weight loss without weight regain.

The Archetype Program at LWell Will Transform You

You may have an underlying issue that will cause weight regain or block weight loss until it is resolved. Scroll to find out your weight loss type! Our programs are tailored to treating and fixing the root cause of weight gain. These programs prevent weight regain and makes it loads easier to lose weight for good!


Sweeter then honey! You are a classic weight-gainer, and you have some level of insulin resistance. You're the first one to get bitten by a mosquito, and you have a sweet tooth. You gain weight just by thinking of food, and you're always thinking about food.

Flow State

Circulation issues, water retention and sometimes depression pop up together, but any one of these problems might out you in this category. Often, these individuals present with acid reflux as well, and water doesn't feel good or taste right. IF you're born with a Y chromosome, you might also have low T.

The Spice

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome can be caused by insulin resistance, but when it has an unknown cause, it sometimes presents with an extra touch of fiesty. In this case, insulin resistance ends up being the resulting symptom rather then the cause. Choosing the right supplement, exercise and nutrition program is vital to this group because the wrong kind of exercise and excessive dieting can cause weight gain.


Back pain, knee pain, shoulder pain, hip pain, foot pain. These musculskeletal pains cause inflammation, and inflammation is the biggest driver of insulin resistence. Pain isn't always musculoskeletal however, and addressing pain like fibromyalgia and migrains ends up having the same result.


Stress, Adrenals and Thyroid problems cause a vicious cycle and an unpredictible basal metabolic rate. Because typical thyroid tests do not identify much of the disfunction in the thyroid, it can go undetected for the lifetime which is too bad because these tests are relatively inexpensive. Calm your Vagus Nerve, nourish your thyriod and live lighter and happier!


Motivation, Momentum and Mindset are often blamed for weight gain, but then what? Follow our mindset shift protocol for the positive momentum you need to achieve any goal.


Anemic? The connection between iron and weight gain is very clear and very direct. Pro tip - resolving this is not usually about supplementing iron. It's about improving the absorption and utilization of the iron you take in. Resolve this, and see your weight loss effort pay off for good.


That one vice... You know the one. Maybe it's alcohol or smoking or even a foodie vice like the morning frappacino. When it's not addiction, but it's a deeply ingrained pattern of behavior, you need a focused behavior modification strategy to finally go against the grain so you're free. Sometimes a pharmacological strategy can also be supportive.


You're allergic, sensitive or intolerant of food, chemical and/ environmental triggers. Identification of the inflammatory triggers will yield a lot of sensitivities now, but they will subside within a few months on our protocol. Then, you'll test again and see the true source of all the irritation. Avoiding these core triggers will allow you to enjoy your life while your extra weight melts away. It's a process, but it's sooo worth it.


The liver is working overtime to detoxify you from something. Maybe it's a chemical exposure from food or environment or maybe there needed to be a lot of medication in your history. Whatever it is, we need to faciliate more effective liver function so you can reduce inflammation caused by excessive toxins and a subsequent build up of cholesterol and glucose.


BAD spelled backwards, because you're going to be GOOD soon. Bloat, Anxiety and other Digestion problems often go hand in hand. Anxiety and weight melt away when we fix your gut dysbiosis. A highly individualized food and supplement program yields a very successful weight loss program. Actually, your belly will be noticeably flatter quite quickly!

The MiMi

Your MIcrobiome and MItochondria are out of synch. Maybe the nutrients are not absorbed well enough, or maybe you're not utilizing them. You may have some autoimmune issues or some mental health issues. Either way, this disfunction is contributing to a build up of inefficient and ineffective internal processes and causes excess inflammation. We hear you, and we know you. Let's find the root cause of your inflammation so your weight loss program is effective.

This one is not a quick fix, but your best and lightest days are ahead of you :)


Your mom might have been fabulous, but maybe you would rather not look like her. Your hottest days are ahead of you! Assess your options for optimal stability during this hormonally tumultuous time. Defy your own expectations of what this transition can be like. You are better then your hormones! Get a comprehensive assessment of your hormone status, and determine what you can change and where you might need help with BHRT or other support for optimal comfort and your best weight!

Fertility - MOP

Are you working on optimizing your fertility, but you've been told your weight is in the way of your baby dreams? You need to nourish yourself to ensure your future baby gets all the nutrients it needs, while reducing your toxic load and losing weight. Oh, but don't stress, right? We got you covered. Pursue our healthy Mama Optimization Program to support your chances of a healthy delivery.

Low T

As middle age sets in, and sometimes much earlier, muscle tone in men can significantly decrease while the chest can further soften. That's not all, and you know it. Don't worry! Have the best sex of your life while losing weight on our Low T program for men.

Hormone Optimization

Want to look and be your best? So often, excess weight can be a sub-clinical hormone imbalance. The slightest tweak can yield an enormous improvement for many people. Through a precision lifestyle, supplement and possibly pharmacological strategy, you'll get the support you need to finally feel balanced and look amazing.

The Program that will Transform Your Life

Until you address the underlying reason for your weight gain, you'll regain every pound again and again.

Did one of our Weight Loss Types resonate? Go more in-depth with your knowledge and get hooked up with more information. LWell makes it easy! Click below to learn more about how this system works to see if it's right for you.

The Program That Will Transform Your Life

The GLP-1s like Semaglutide and Tirzepatide should produce quick weight loss, but people gain all the weight right back and then some. This is because the underlying issue, the reason for the weight gain in the first place, has not been addressed and fixed. Don't get stuck in the yo-yo cycle. With or without a GLP-1, address the root cause of your weight gain to keep the weight off forever.

The Lifestyle That Will Transform You


Weight Loss Meds don't work forever

Fix the underlying cause of your weight gain to keep the weight off.


Pick your Weight Loss Archetype

By finding your type, you'll follow a proven protocol for lasting success in weight and health so the weight stays off without medication.

By working through the Archetype program, which included medication and supplements, I got the weight off quickly and I kept it off.

This team has given me the ability to lose the weight but also the skill set to keep it off in the future. I have gained a deeper understanding of nutrition, exercise, and self-care practices, and I have kept the weight off for over 3 years.

Ralph D - Happy Client

LWell has helped me reach my goals in weight loss. Knowing my Archetype connected all the dots about my physical health, mental health and weight. Root cause is EVERYTHING. The staff is excellent to work with. I highly recommend LWell

Joyce M - Happy Client